Table of Contents
Personal List
- Depth First Learning (depth first expositions into papers. covers all material you need to learn topic)
Normalizing Flows
- Normalizing Flows for Probabilistic Modeling and Inference - recommended by David Duvenaud
- Eric Jang’s tutorial
- Lil Log blog post on Flow Based Deep Generative Models
Control as Inference/ Inference in RL
- An inference perspective on model-based reinforcement learning
- Reinforcement learning and control as probabilistic inference
Blog Posts
- Blog Post (by Dibya Ghosh (promising UC Berkeley undergrad))
Variational Inference
- Spherical VAE(didactic paper on variational autoencoders)
- KL-Divergence Blog Post (by Dibya Ghosh (promising UC Berkeley undergrad))
Monte Carlo
- MCMC intution for everyone
- Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
- Hamiltonian Monte Carlo explained (endorsed by Princeton Professor)
- Langrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics introduction (by Princeton Professor)
- The beginners guide to Hamiltonian Monte Carlo by PhD Student in Machine Learning
- Hamiltonian Monte Carlo explained (endorsed by Princeton Professor)